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Mr. Mills and Mrs. Salam-King

Contact email: or

The course is designed for students to meet the Dubuque Community School District’s graduation requirement and fulfills the Iowa Core Curriculum guideline for physical science.  Students should be willing to study, observe and understand an introductory level of chemistry and physics upon completion.
  • First Semester topics include but are not limited to; designing experiments, measurement systems, states of matter, properties of matter, periodic table, classification of matter.
  • Second Semester topics include but are not limited to; motion, forces of motion, simple machines.
  • Formative assessment will consist of classroom discussion, homework completion and understanding and projects
  • Summative assessment will consist of quizzes and tests


  • Text Book – class set of books that may be checked out upon request or as needed
  • Teacher developed assignments, quizzes, tests and projects
  • Computer Lab
  • Outside resources
            Students are expected to report to class each day with the following materials:
*Folder or Binder    
* Notebook    
*Pencil and Pen    
*Calculator (if possible)         
*Colored Pencils   
Work Expectations
  • Worked turned in by students must be legible and in good condition.  Points will be taken off on late assignments.  No late work will be accepted after a new unit has been started.  Students are responsible for asking for work after excused or unexcused absences.
  • If students are caught sharing, copying assignments, tests or quizzes; a zero will be given to all those involved.
  • Extra Credit will be given from time to time to help students improve upon their grades.
Tardies and Absences
  •  Every student is expected to be in the classroom when the bell rings.  Student need to be familiar with the District policies regarding tardies and absences.  Habitual tardies and absences will be dealt with in accordance with the policies listed in the student passport.
Behavioral Expectations
  • No food allowed in the classroom.  Only water in a clear container will be accepted.
  • Respect everyone in the classroom (teachers, students, guests, etc…)
  • Respect the materials in the room; Cleaning up your area before leaving the classroom is expected
  • Stop talking when the instructor is speaking.  Follow directions once they are given
  • Do not use cell phones for personal communication during class time.  There will be a safe spot for students to place their cell phones if the devices become a problem


            93% and above     A                            73-76     C
            90-92                     A-                           70-72     C-
            87-89                      B+                        67-69     D+
            83-86                      B                           63-66     D
            80-82                      B -                        60-62     D-
            77-79                      C+                         Below 60%     F




Instructional Strategies
  • Class room discussions

  • Note taking from a variety of media (whiteboard, PowerPoint, book, auxiliary resources)
  • Projects, illustrations, concept maps, unit packets,
  • Quizzes and tests




General Note
  • Please share this syllabus with a parent/guardian.  Be ready to learn and put effort into the class.  I am looking forward to a great year and learning with you all throughout the school year.


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